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Zuma Beach

I was very lucky to have had the chance to lease a house from my friend Scott, in Zuma Beach, Malibu California, and continue to live there after his return. The house was located accross the street from the beach. This page is more about the memories:)​

Local surfers, share a wave at Surfrider,

                              Malibu CA.​


Scroll down and click on any pic to view all.​

Scott and I wrote and recorded "Zoom Zuma" one inspired evening. It just seemed right to document our experience of  living in such an Awesome place,.. in song.  It became the theme song at the local tavern, the "Dume Room". It always made me smile, to visit  the bar and have someone we didn't know put a Quarter in the juke box,... and play our song:)​

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